• There is general agreement among virtually all medical practitioners that some form of stress is the trigger for disease, whether due to environmental, emotional or other conditions.

  • The initial cancer diagnosis and medical interventions utilized in treatment can trigger emotional and physical stressors which further impair the body's intrinsic stress response system and in turn cause cortisol levels to spike up.

  • An increase in cortisol levels can worsen symptoms and interfere with healing, thus creating a harmful feedback loop.

  • BREAKING THIS VICIOUS CYCLE OF STRESS IS OUR GOAL! Through Healing From Within's holistic combination of yoga, meditation and visualization classes, participants will learn to harness the power of the mind and awaken in themselves a sense of balance and harmony .


  • Ensure support to address the emotional wellbeing of the patient during treatment, as an augmentative approach to cancer treatment

  • Encourage patients to be an advocate for their health and healing

  • Empower patients with practical tools to boost their innate ability to heal and promote ongoing wellness



A three pronged approach:

  • Weekly In-person Classes that address the emotional needs of patients at the very outset of diagnosis and during treatment.

  • Online classes for those who cannot attend in person (Zoom/Youtube Video/Audio).

  • A guided imagery app. using wearable VR technology during infusion/treatment to boost the power of the positive mind.

An ongoing 8 week curriculum of 60 minute classes onsite at the hospital/medical facility starting at the outset of diagnosis and continuing during treatment, and post-treatment to continue the healing process.

a.     Class Content

Class 1. The Power of the Positive Mind in the Healing Process

Class 2. Fear & Anxiety

Class 3. Anger-- "Why Me"?

Class 4. Guilt

Class 5. Acceptance & Letting Go/ Control

Class 6. Self-Love and Compassion

Class 7. Gratitude

Class 8. Managing Expectations of Others

Program Evaluation:

  • Patient Surveys - We are constantly improving the curriculum and solicit feedback from participants at the end of each session.

  • We will measure and track perceived stress scale in patients before and after classes and track progress on an ongoing basis.